Himalayan Blackberry
Fact Sheet Vascular Plant Rubus bifrons Description Himalayan Blackberry is a very large blackberry that produces robust arching 5-angled canes that reach up to 3
Fact Sheet Vascular Plant Rubus bifrons Description Himalayan Blackberry is a very large blackberry that produces robust arching 5-angled canes that reach up to 3
Fact Sheet Vascular Plant Cabomba caroliniana Description Bottom-rooted, submersed aquatic plant. Stems usually 1-2 m but up to 10 m long. Underwater leaves opposite, fan-like
Fact Sheet MARINE ANIMAL Styela, Ascidiella, Ciona Spp. | Other Name: Sea Squirt Description Solitary Tunicates are small marine filter-feeding animals, sometimes referred to as
Fact Sheet Reptile Trachemys scripta elegans Description Pond Sliders have brown to olive green coloured shells, with a slight keel running down the center. Green-black
Fact Sheet Vascular Plant Lythrum salicaria | Other Names: Loosestrife, Spiked Loosestrife Description Stems arise from perennial rootstock. 30-50 stalks can arise from a single
Fact Sheet CRUSTACEAN Carcinus maenas | Other Name: European Green Crab Habitat & Impact Green Crabs are common in shallow water of salt marshes, beaches
Fact Sheet VASCULAR PLANT Alliaria petiolata Description Herbaceous biennial, with vegetative rosette in the first year. Leaves 2-12 cm wide, dark green, kidney shaped, smelling
Fact Sheet VASCULAR Angelica sylvestris Description Large biennial member of the carrot family commonly 1-2 m tall when flowering from July to September. Small, fragrant
Fact Sheet MARINE ANIMAL Membranipora membranacea | Other Names: Lacy Crust Bryozoan, Kelp Lace Bryozoan Description The Coffin Box Bryozoan is a marine organism that
Fact Sheet Vascular Plant Phragmites australis ssp. australis | Elephant Grass, Giant Reedgrass Description Very tall, stout grass, often reaching heights of 3 m or
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